For the reflective object, the aim was to take am image of something that is reflective to practise the use of lighting it whereas i thought we had to take an image of something that reflects an object. Below are some examples
I like how the puddle of water forms around the tree and you see the detail off the tree like the thin stems co
ming of each branch. I have slightly under exposed it so you can more detail in the tree
I like using this reflective ball because it shows all the detail in object its reflecting.
I decided to capture the building because i like how youcan see the detail in the building e.g. the curtains inside the window etc... Also how you can see the clouds clearly in the sky.
The main aim for this section is to capture something that is reflective. Therefore I captured a microphone with a strip of light down the edge. I finally got the aim of what was needed to be done but the way i captured the image could of been better. There is a line in the horizon which distracts you from the microphone and the way the microphone is in the frame could of been more interesting e.g. a close up.
I retook the microphone this time i got closer to the subject to make it more interesting so you can see all the detail within the microphone.
Slightly blurred but the angle is better because the lighting stand outs more and you can see more detail.
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