I practiced using the techniques I learnt in the exposures class and tried using natural light and
fluorescent light on a model to high eye her key features.

back round,
fluorescent lighting
either side of her. The
fluorescent lighting highlights her cheek bones
either side making her face dark)

( Same as above but natural light is used form above so the
fluorescent light blends with the natural light so its not so harsh on her face)

Fluorescent lights used from
either side, very close to the model. This make her face very white but you can see the lights reflecting in her eyes making then look shiny and stand out as shown in the image below)

(This image uses one
fluorescent light from the side at the front and one from the side at the back as shown below. The lighting gives her face a harsh shadow on one side and not showing off any of her strong features)
What a dramatic difference in the mood created by changing the light. Be interested to know which you think are your strongest images. This might vary depending on your intentions / the brief.