We use a twin lens reflex camera, it has two lens. The bottom one takes the photo where the top one you can view the imae your about to take. The mirror angle in the camera is at a 45 degree angle to view the image. It was also known as a waist angle camera because people would hold it by there waist to take pictures without being noticed by other people.
The problem with using this camera is because the view point is higher than where the image is beng captured. You'll frame something up but then it will cut the top of that image off so it is not suitable for close ups or mid shots.
After learning how to use the camera we had a week to go out and take some images of our own.
We used the "Sunny 16" rule to help set the exposure.
Set the ISO to 125, Shutter speed 1/125
F22 bright bright sun, sandy or snowy. Beach
F16 bright sun
F11 cloudy/sun
F8 cloudy
F5.6 dark cloudy
When out taking some images I made a few mistakes for example I took a picture, then diffent roll the film on before taking another image so when I took my second picture it went over my first. Another problem I had was i would wind my fill on but it would wind it to much so I would take an image on number 6 then wind on to number 9.
You can see my developeed images in "Darkroom Session 3"
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