I went to the top of Darwen Tower at the beginning of October to get a image of "Magic Hour". Magic hour is the first or last day of sunlight as it rises or sets, it creates an atmosphere on the horizon and gives out different colours of light.
I feel that I've captured what Magic Hour does to the horizon but I could of done better. For example I've taken all my images looking into the sun. Whereas I should of taken a picture of something using the lighting from magic hour.

I was high up. So I was able to see the sun setting til the very end. This image shows you the different colour of light what the sun setting makes.
Some examples of Magic hours from other photographers are below.
These images below are some that I've taken.
I feel that I've captured what Magic Hour does to the horizon but I could of done better. For example I've taken all my images looking into the sun. Whereas I should of taken a picture of something using the lighting from magic hour.
If I was do to it again I would capture something in the image to get the atmosphere rather than the actual sun setting.
Since these images I have tried since then to do more sunset pictures but they haven't been successful but I feel since taking these images I have learnt more. The more I go out and capture I feel i am improving.
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