Today we practised using different types of lighting. We started off in the studio then went out on location to see what lighting we could find. Below are some examples of different lighting.
This image was used with the lighting in the studio. Natural light is being used lighting the background on the model a tungsten strobe light. The strobe light makes her face look very orange and too bright.
The image to the right was taking in an elevator. The lighting is fluorescent and because the lift is made of shiny dark metal the light reflects off it making the area look dark. The lighting is from above giving the model shadows e.g. underneath the eyes, chin and nose.

The lighting used on the image to the right is a tungsten spotlight. The light is quite harsh on her face and doesn't light the face in an attractive way because of the shadows under her chin and nose.
This shot was done outside but because the model is stood underneath a shelter, no light could come from above so the lighting is from one side. Also because the background is dark it absorbs the light more making the image look dull.
The lighting used on the image to the right is a tungsten spotlight. The light is quite harsh on her face and doesn't light the face in an attractive way because of the shadows under her chin and nose.
The model is in front of a reflective surface so the image looks bright but she slightly blends in and because of my camera setting, the white surface looks light blue. It also makes the models skin quite pale and not attractive to the eye.
We wanted to test this lighting out to see what it would like. The lighting is from a traffic light, the model faced looked into the green traffic light and as youcan see to the right her face is tinted green. This is attractive but its a different colour for lighting. You could use this is we're photography something meaning envy for example.